Acquired trade agency permit

Joined HHI(Hyundai Heavy Industries) Partners’ Association

Construction of KANG LIM building

President’s Award for 2 Million Dollar Export Accomplishment

Busan Mayor’s Award for 2 Million Dollar Export Accomplishment

National Tax Service Commissioner’s Award for Exemplary Taxpayer

Seoul office opened

Import/Export License acquired

Factory 2 in Mora-dong, Busan completed (2,000M/T capacity)

KANG LIM Pipe Co., Ltd. established

Factory 1 in Mora-dong, Busan completed (1,500M/T capacity)

KANG LIM Pipe Trading Company established

Export Tower Award from President for 10 Million Dollar Accomplishment

Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Award on Annual Trade Day

Ulsan office opened

Gimhae Factory 2(20,000M/T capacity)

Yeocheon office opened

Mora Factory sold

Building completed (B2~Level 10)

Gimhae Factory 1 completed (6,000M/T capacity)

Registration of Gimhae Factory 1.

Started construction for Gimhae Factory 1.

Joined Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Partners’ Association.

Joined Daewoo Heavy Industries Partners’ Association

100 Million Dollar Export Award on 48th Annual Trade Day

Head Office Relocation in Hwajeon Industrial Complex

Head Office in Hwajeon Industrial Complex completed

50 Million Dollar Export Award on 47th Annual Trade Day

30 Million Dollar Export Award on 46th Annual Trade Day

Minister of Knowledge Economy Award on 46th Annual Trade Day

30th Anniversary

Kanglim building expansion completed (B2~Level 15)

KEPIC (Korea Electric Power Industry Code) certification acquired

Minister of Finance and Economy – Exemplary Taxpayer Award, 30th Anniversary

President’s Award for 20 Million Dollar Export Accomplishment

Acquired ISO(BVQI) 9001 quality certification

Changed company name to KANG LIM CSP Co., Ltd.

Minister of Finance and Economy award
카피라이트 영역