*Please click CODE if you want to visit its homepage.
Code | Standards Associations |
A N S I | American National Standards Institute |
B S | British Standards |
C S A | Canadian Standards Association |
D I N | Deutsches Institute for Normung |
I S | Indian Standards |
J I S | Japanese Industrial Standards |
K S | Korean Standards |
N F | Norm Fracaise |
N S | Norske Standard |
S I S | Swedish Standards Institution |
*Please click CODE if you want to visit its homepage.
Code | Ship Classification Society |
A B S | American Bureau of Shipping |
B V | Bureau Veritas |
L R | Lloyd's Register of Shipping |
N V(=DNV) | Det Norske Veritas |
K R | Korean Register of Shipping |
R I N A | Registro Itallano Navale |
G L | Germanischer Lloyd |
N K | Nippon Kaiji Kyokai |
*Please click CODE if you want to visit its homepage.
Code | International Societies |
A I S I | American Iron & Steel Institute |
A P I | American Petroleum Institute |
A S M E | The American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
A S T M | American Society for Testing Materials |
A W S | American Welding Society |
M I L | Military Specifications and Standards |
N A C E | National Association of Corrosion Engineers |
S A E | Society of Automotive Engineers |
V D E H | Verein Deutscher Eisenhuttenleute |
W E S | The Japan Welding Engineering Society |
*Please click CODE if you want to visit its homepage.
Code | International Organizations |
I A C S | International Association of Classification Societies |
I I W | International Institute of Welding |
I S O | International Organiztion for Standardization |